Can the Spam – 5 Tips to Stop Email Spam

You've Got Mail!
Keep your inbox spam-free!

Whether it comes in a tin or in your email, Spam is just … yucky. Thankfully, we have some tips to help you combat Spam.

The email kind anyway.

You’re on your own with the Spam in a can.

Tip 1 – Keep Separate Lives

Everywhere you go, someone is asking you for your email address now: stores, doctors, teachers, news outlets. The list goes on.

The easiest way to separate the email wheat from the chaff is to keep separate email addresses. One for the “Important” people in your life and another that you hand out to places like department stores.

This will keep the coupons and special offers stores like to send out every day from burying the pictures of your nephew’s birthday party.

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Want a Faster Computer? 5 Tips to Increase Your Computer Speed

Woman on her couch typing on a laptop.Winter’s over now, but your computer still wants to act like a hibernating bear; slow, sluggish, non-responsive.  Before you consider trading it in for a faster model, try these five things to increase its speed and save yourself some money.

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